Osado XV

Osado XV

P.R.E.- born in 1994, gray stallion

Breeder: Alfredo Erquicia Guardiola

He grow up in the stabels of Domecq, son of Violin, one of the most famos bullfighting horses of Alvaro Domecq. Grand Prix Trained. In spain he was for years int he national team of dressage with his rider Jose García Mena.

Sport Results:

2002 –from that year he is participating in international dressage competitions

2005- as member of the R.F.H.E. he was participating in Aachen CHIO

In Spanish Nationel Championship silver medal

In Hungary he became one of the stars of our shows

As an evidence of his strengs , after all these years hard work he is still in very good shape, doing Grand Prix exercises and is one of our main breeding stallions. His sons and daughters are having the same quality as well as his good caracter.